Thats what I planned on doing, just having a small shop to replace the fluid and filter.
After this tranny service how often should I do it? I dont drive more then 10k per year but NYC traffic really takes a toll.
Yes just change the fluid and filter and make sure they use Dexron 6. It's a synthetic version of the Dexron 3 they were using in the older models. I think they started using 6 around the 05-06 models. And from what I heard 6 can be mixed with 3. As far as service intervals after I would say another 50 k miles should be fine but the fluid will tell the story. It is synthetic and even traffic isn't as big of a deal since you have a truck with Efans. They are so much more efficient than older trucks with clutch fans. Monitor your tranny temps for awhile and see what kind of numbers you are running when you are in traffic as opposed to constantly moving to see if the traffic should e a concern or not.
What is the deal with replacing brake fluid? I have to be honest I NEVER did on any car I owned.
Brake fluid is hygroscopic so it absorbs moisture. Which in turn lowers the boiling point so when it is over heated the moisture in it could evaporate and cause "air pockets" which lowers the pressure that gets exerted on the fluid.
Would you tell a difference if you had the fluid changed? Probably not but in an older vehicle or race vehicle it could make a difference.