Landlord's daughter's boyfriend has a new to him, 2002 Lexus RX300. Work on the 2002 Lexus RX300 went real quick. I had sprayed penetrant on the pcv valve threads last night. This morning it took some effort to break loose but once it did, it came right out. Installed new and reattached hose and spring clamp. The hood struts were easy peasy. Dropped one of the MAF attaching screws but I had extras in my bolt drawer. Removed air cleaner upper housing and snorkel at the throttle body and cleaned the throttle plate and bore. Also removed cover for the IAC valve and cleaned out so it moves freely. Reinstalled the removed components and the engine restarted no problem and road test was uneventful. He had recently contacted me with a CEL and had 3 codes, P0440, P0441 and P0446. Did a search and found a vacuum hose off at the back of the air cleaner housing from a local shop opening it to sell him a new air filter. I reinstalled the hose and cleared codes and he drove for 4 days before bringing to me for the other actual needed work. The work I had done before for the CEL and 3 codes, was still good with no codes in current or history. The vehicle is done and will be picked up and paid for later today.