I literally hang out and drink with a dealer tech occasionally that gets 12 hours of pay/ day working anywhere between 4-8 hours /day. And AFAIK he doesn't discriminate between warranty and non-warranty, he takes whatever.
His dealer has a board that the service writers put the job paperwork/ keys on. The techs go up to this board and pick the job they want to do (assuming they have the appropriate certifications for that job). And its first-come -first pick.
Dude gets to work between 9:00- 10:00 in the morning, goes up the board , grabs whatever jobs are left that no one else has picked (which are usually the least desirable), rushes through them to get his 12 billable hours that day (because that's management policy, max of 12 hours billable/ day), then leaves. Sometime he leaves at 2:00pm because he's maxed out his billable hours for that day,.
Blame whomever you like for the the way it is,,, but there is no troubleshooting, and no understanding, and really no thinking about the actual issues the vehicle are brought in for happening,,,, there is only following what the screen says.
Is he a mouthbreather too?
I used to be a dealer tech for almost a decade. Prior to that worked in an independent shop for even longer. My entire social circle and family were techs either running a shop, working in a shop, or in a dealer.
Your occasional drinking buddy either has the sweetest gig in all of automotive history or is embellishing for dramatic effect or the dealership has an exceptionally strange way of managing workflow.
Assuming the jobs are posted at random (they should have a dispatching system), there is no way he is not discriminating in some form or fashion.
For instance...
engine light on silverado truck. Diag time pays .5 hr. hook up scan tool see what it says. Fire it up in your bay to recreate the issue. Nothing found or can't replicate the issue?
See ya.
The tech isn't going to devote their life to it like it is a science experiment that will alter the course of humanity.
Are we seriously expecting a tech to spend a whole or half day for .5 hours of pay (some dealers pay 1 hour and fight with the OEM about it later on) diagnosing an issue that can't be easily replicated, or that "tech support" can't offer any guidance, or TSBs and SSMs aren't covering the issue.
If the tech closes it out at this point the job won't come back to him if the issue reoccurs. If he pursues it further to an actual scope of work,
and it doesn't fix the problem, then he has to do it for free. There is a huge risk here.
Lets say the tech spends a bit more time (maybe an hour or hour and a half with the issue) in hopes of finding a probable cause that could turn out to be a decent job that he is confident in.
So in this example say it is an oxygen sensor is showing up dead as a doornail. Low risk. fairly easy job.
Put truck on lift. 5 minutes.
Order parts. 5 minutes.
Check over the O2 harness see if rodents got to it. Looks good. (15 minutes)
Take o2 sensor out using a special tool snap charges criminal amounts for. 30 minutes after you are done fighting with the connector.
Parts finally show up 20 minutes later.
You check to make sure it is right part. (5 minutes)
Replace o2 sensor and reconnect (10 minutes.)
Pull truck down off lift (5 minutes)
Fire up truck and check to see if the sensor is reading (5 minutes)
Pull truck up to front parking area (5 minutes)
So you have about 195 minutes devoted to something that will pay you a flagged hour of 30 minutes and about 25 for the O2 sensor job. So 55 minutes out of 195.
This isn't an issue with the tech it is the system they operate in.