Never heard any issues from MM brand lifters or their trunion kits. But then again, Elgin was suppose to be a reputable company too. Get new head bolts also. And I hope at the very least your guy checks the heads for flatness. The correct way is to have them surfaced down to a 20Ma finish. The MLS head gaskets require a flat clean surface to seal. When I did that AFM engine I skimped and came out alright but it wasn’t my vehicle. I just ran a true bar over the heads and deck with some 400 grit sand paper using WD40 as a lubricant but also copper coated the gaskets. Just as an insurance policy.
Don’t have any pics but this was on the wife’s equinox when I did head gaskets.



Did the engine deck same way. Don’t stay in one direction, back forth, up down and angled both ways keeping as much contact with surface as possible. Very minimal pressure. It identifies and high or low spots. Then checked with feeler gauge to make sure within spec. Not the best way but I didn’t have 2 weeks to wait for heads to get surfaced.
Here’s the LS head gaskets with copper spray on them. Like i said, only did it because I didn’t surface the heads.
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