Dammit. Your mechanic was right there at the tube- he should've blasted it with compressed air. Hell, I would've at least tried to fill the tube with oil to see if it held (indicating plugged screen), then forced that out with the air, followed by plenty of brake parts and/or carb cleaner.
If there's sludge built up like that on the front cover, it's everywhere, including the pan. It could've collected on the pickup screen over time and just recently had the last bit of screen blocked off. That's how my brother's went down. The average pressure gradually got lower over the course of about a week until he made a turn then accelerated and it just went to "0" and started tapping. His was sludged up from being mixed with coolant. Never had a milkshake cuz it was such a small amount and it burned off, but the remaining chemicals made the oil thick and sticky.