I'm not a millennial but don't blame them for this nonsense, this is straight old bomber mechanic crap.
the saying goes if you have a ton of miles on a tranny, say 200k. just leave it alone, don't disturb the fluid. it might start to slip. I doubt there's any truth to it but no one has ever said to reuse the fluid, that's just silly, especially when a normal auto only drains a few qt with a filter change. the rest is left in the converter and tranny itself. but this isn't a normally tranny. he has a Allison made hybrid tranny, it doesn't have a converter and will drain most of it out. the pump. he's changing is eternal.
I have a 96 4l60 with 320k on it, I have a vacuum oil collection at work, I use it to suck out the fluid out of the dip stick tube every few oil changes and top back off from fresh because it's free for me. tranny has never given me issues and it had over 220k when I got it like 12 years ago.
The claims that I've seen in regards to putting in new fluid - is that putting in new fluid - with fresh detergents and so forth - might break up deposits in the transmission and cause crap to circulate and cause problems. I suppose if a transmission is REALLY old - that might have some validity. But transmission fluid does degrade over time - so changing it at 100k or so - and keeping up with it avoids all of that crap in the first place IMHO. So change it and then keep up with it and don't let it go too long.