Was up in Melbourne yesterday and topped off with E85 for $1.839 at a station called Pro-Energy and listed on GasBuddy as a Marathon. On the north side of my home county a Sunoco up there has it now for $2.119.
Last tank was at 76% alcohol content. After taking on 14 gallons it is now 73%.
Was resetting the air pressure this morning. Yesterday the truck felt like one side wanted to drive faster than the other, the air was off 4 psi from the other side. We pulled over and evened it up some and finished the run.
Battery is just over 2 years old and 23 months since installation. Voltage was in the 11s when I paid attention to it, the compressor was airing up the tires with the motor off. I think the Tech2 said the beginning voltage was 12.37. State of charge and temps and such all looked fine. The battery is an AC Delco 48PS, 30 month warranty. I think its from the Silver line.
Started the motor and she almost died, hung on sputtering much longer than usual for E85 in cool weather and finally caught and ran normal. Threw a P1400 which I cleared. Guess I'll do a once over for vacuum leaks later. Thoughts or suggestions?
I almost always remote start truck and when running FlexFuel and the temp is in the 60s or below the motor usually stalls on the first start, presumably because the fuel is too cold for the motor's liking. Always starts and runs fine afterwards, even in the 30s.