Any 2500 or larger vehicle with a gas motor doesn't have AFM. The 6.0L in that 2007 is a Rockstar!! The newer LS 6.0L motors have more power and a little better efficiency than the 2000-06 models do. Plus, the exhaust rumble with factory exhaust is very soothing as well. I put 165K on my 2015 work truck and it never needed any attention other than basic maintenance. 10/10 would recommendThat is nice and an even better price than the 1995 I found in Kent, Wa. Am I correct in thinking that the 6.0 engine does not have AFM?{"qid":"-5342003352178222672","mf_story_key":"6249423568406360","commerce_rank_obj":"{\"target_id\":6249423568406360,\"target_type\":0,\"primary_position\":0,\"ranking_signature\":9061447672396775424,\"commerce_channel\":504,\"value\":0.0008402573510189,\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\":{\"6249423568406360\":111}}","ftmd_400706":"111112l"}