I have to disagree and agree at the same time. I agree on the fact that oil can get on the MAF and throttlebody if an oiled filter is overoiled, however, I have yet to see a paper filter that filters better, meaning down to a smaller sized particle than those mentioned. As for those mentioned, only one is an oiled filter, the K&N. The AFE is a similar gauze style filter as the K&N but not oiled. The Amsoil is a blue "Nano-fiber" made by Baldwin filters that filters smaller particles than them all. That being said, I run a K&N oiled filter myself. I have tested "quality" paper filters, AFE, K&N, AEM, Amsoil, WIX and others over the years and found that for my money I'll stay with the K&N. The Amsoil might filter to a smaller micron sized particle, but I found that if I didn't clean those every month I would be able to notice a difference in the performance of my vehicles due to flow restriction. They are also not that easy to actually get clean, the recommended process is simple enough, but not as effective imho as washing the K&N. My point there is, the fault of the oiled filters doesn't lie with the filters themselves but with the person doing the recharging. On every paper filter I have tested, every one of them wound up with a coating of dust inside the intake tube. This never happened with the AFE, K&N or Amsoil filters but did with the WIX, FRAM and a couple others. Hence the reason I mentioned those three, they are the only filters I have tested that didn't leave a dusty film inside the intake tube.