Supporting Member
did you happen to know what your link length is, either from ball stud center point to center point or over all length of the link and end caps?
I'm sorry Lee, I don't know that ... actually I don't even know what most of that sentence means.
Here's a quick pic cause I haven't had time to take proper ones ... you're not going to be able to tell the difference from the previous pics cause it basically only went down half an inch.
Not sure exactly how that works because I replaced a 1" spacer with a 1/4" spacer, so you'd think the truck ass would go down 3/4", but no, it went down 1/2".
Ride is good, but I wouldn't want to go any lower. And the shop I took it at has 1/4" inch spacers so they can add and subtract height by that increment as required by the customer.