Ben, Can you give a better idea how you mounted the antenna? Close up pix? I'm not wanting to ********* the roof if possible. Thx
I assume you mean me.
It's a Diamond HRKS adhesive mount.
I got the kit that come with a groundless antenna, it's the one in the picture. I live in DFW where there are repeaters everywhere, so I am actually running a stubby antenna right now, and it works fine for hitting local repeaters around town. I put the full size antenna on when I get out on the road.
I just got my radio mounted today.
Not totally happy, as I wasn't able to find a good way to breach the firewall, so the power is coming in through the door seal from the front fender. I was running out of time, so I just finished it up and will probably try again next weekend.
If anyone cares, the left side of the console has a Proclip mount with a Scosche magnet mount on it. I run a thin metal plate inside my iPhone case and it just sits there on the left side. On the right side is also a Proclip mount with a Scosche magnet. There is a plate stuck to the back of the radio controller, so I can pop it off the magnet and put it in the console when I'm parking. The mount comes off easily, as well, so I just pop it off when I'm not going to be running my radio for a bit.