Remember back a few months and there was a thread about that door seal that's between the front and back doors that's only installed on the top half of the door and not all the way down and some of us installed some all the way down to help keep out wind/road noise?
I know we kind of wondered why it's not all the way down from the factory. Well I think I may know why.
It's cold here today, 20* this morning with a windchill of 5*. It was 60* here yesterday and the cold front moved in over night. I wasn't parked in the garage and I noticed when I went to run to the hardware store a bit ago the door made that sticking sound when I first opened it. That sound where it's almost frozen shut and sounds like velcro coming apart when being opened. I didn't have any problems opening it, but I could just imagine what it'd be like if there was more moisture, sleet, snow, etc.
I think for the winter months I may swap back to just the factory top half rubber seal
we are getting heavy flooding rain overnight and supposed to flash freeze tomorrow night so I am expecting to be fighting frozen doors locks and handles myself. I keep a towel in the truck to wipe down the door jambs and such to help prevent freezing issues. Still you can only do so much. Hate it when it happens.