Well i had a mini heart attack... lol
Me dicking around with the tech 2, seeing if i could see anything funky with my driver side heated seats before i drop the $70 on a new switch.
(Sometimes i have issues getting the butt + back button to activate, but the back activates just fine).
Clicking buttons, suddenly i get a check engine light when attempting activate a module i don't have.
Tech 2 being a pita to pull a simple fkn code if your not sure what module, i whip out ol trusty.
Trans seems to go into gear fine, so i'm thinking the tech 2 did something weird while i had the engine running.
I clear the code for good measure, then i swear i hear a new noise.
Not from under the hood exactly, but more like under...
Like oil pan area, but back.
Me: fk i knew i should have changed the converter while the engine was apart and easy to pull...
so i disconnect the battery for good measure... let everything reset.
Took it for a little spin real quick, seems to go into lockup just fine, fluid looks fine.
probably just a strange fluke, but man those "while i'm in there" tasks.
It's always the one you skipped...
I'll let it drive me nuts for the next little while...