Last night FedEx finally graced me with their presence, got the new oil pump!
Only 4 days late.
And today my task is to first clean the garage for any rouge cotton fluffs that seem to find their way everywhere.
(somehow they manage to find their way into every oil passage way in the engine if i leave it un bagged
Then close the garage door, unbag the engine.
install oil pump and see if i can't tighten down the cam bolt...
If yes, then on goes the front cover and oil pan!!
from there I'll toss the valley cover on loosely.
then back to cylinder head work!!
supposed to be like 90 next weekend, yay summer...
I was supposed to have this thing done by now, but at least I'm nearly out of the engine internals.
Been focused on not allowing my self to sweat or blead inside of the engine!
Sweat will corrode, and blood will eat holes in metal if left.
I still haven't checked pushrod length, seems i need the actual valve springs installed if i wish to compress one of the new lifters.

Once i have that figured out, the engine is ready to get installed in the hoe (w/o the heads)!!
Also learned something new watching youtube vids on head porting, apparently when you reseat the valves like i did back in Dec.
the valve height changes, and you have to be wary of that and possibly shim the springs or some nonsense.
so that's going to be something i need to learn about before the heads go on.
So they might take a "quick" trip to the machine shop once i have the heads where i like them.