Most definitely! I've needed to fix the inline I made just so I could run the physical sensor, one end has been leaking for quite a while, especially when it goes over the base 43 PSI.
Apparently the ethanol was eating away at the black nylon or something.
So I need to fix that before I put it back on anyway.
I just need to put enough miles on the dumb thing to get all the sensors ready for the smog check.
But the stock intake back on and the stock tune also... Put in 20 gallons($125) of regular, physical sensor eventually settled on 22%.
With the stock tune and virtual sensor, it reads 3.5%. .. close enough to Eaton or less that it's not ******* it off, I might have to put another $50 in to water it down some more though, keep the fuel trims happy.
Forgot how gutless it feels on a stock tune. It's noticeably slower, especially in the mid-range and it doesn't feel like it pulls at all up top anymore.
And the shifts are so soft it's disgusting, even wide open you don't feel anything...
Kind of forgot how loud the intake really was as well. The stock intake is ridiculously quiet in comparison. But I kind of wondered what this exhaust setup sounded like, but I can never tell because the intake was so much louder. Haha
Pretty sure I'll be able to use the Corsa intake box with the Whipple intake tube, the couplers on the factory tube and the corsa tube line up almost perfectly.