You can by calculating for gallons per hour or miles per gallon using city versus highway percentages.
We carry so much fuel that for me it is hard to run the tank empty doing just one thing, would take over 7 hours of driving at highway speeds.
For example, my wife and I just came back from a long weekend on Daytona Beach. I filled up the truck two days before we left and we used it to take our grandson to summer camp (learning about horses) and back. Then we went to Daytona, drove through torrential rain which kills gas mileage, drove on the beach for 10 miles or so in 4x4 and then came home, driving in torrential rains again for about an hour. She burned 25.3 gallons of Love's Travel Stop gas (I'm testing for upcoming trip) over 406 miles over 10.8 hours of run time.
The average speed works out to 37.6 MPH and that works out to 40% City and 60% Highway driving. She burned an average of 2.3 gallons per hour. Pretty consistent for a 40/60 tank of gas. The mpgs fluctuate more but the GPH is more stable.
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There were lots of stretches of soft sand on the beach that could not be avoided. A 1-ton Ram got stuck in front of me. The Michelin Defenders pleasantly surprised us by getting through it easily and the treads did not fill up with wet sand, they kept clean like the KO2s.