Is there a welder as such you recommend? $1000 is a bit beyond my budget to weld my old exhaust together. Unless there's a used deal I can score.
Actually i think
@strutaeng got it right on the money. the Handler 210MVP is an excellent choice. It’s got all the basic features you expect from a modern machine, but with both flux/mig(gas) capability, 110/220, the option to do mild steel, stainless, and even has a hook up for a spool gun to do aluminum (which of course is not included lol), that’s a pretty amazing starter kit. Years ago this same machine and ones similar would have costed well over the $1200 they’re asking for.
I get the price tag may be a bit steep and we’re only talking about exhaust pipes here *but*… … if you are interested in learning you’ve got to start somewhere. You start on scrap metals, then the exhaust pipes, and before you know it you’re looking for or giving yourself any excuse to weld every little thing possible. And the thing is, if you buy a cheapo machine, keep practicing and start to get good And enjoy welding stuff, you grow out of those basic, limited machines fast. Now you’re stuck wanting a better machine trying to sell the old one off.
As for Hobart in general, they’re good machines. Strutaeng is correct that they are owned by Miller, and as such are basically just rebranded Miller machines targeted at a different audience. I also think the “MVP” tagline is a miller specific trademark for machines that are capable of both 110 and 220.
If you really can’t justify the price, you’re still looking at 500-800 for a quality MiG/flux welder. That is why in my humble opinion, you might as well just bite the bullet.
FWIW, i am NOT partial to any particular brand. Miller, Lincoln, ESAB, are all name brands that have their pro’s and con’s. Likewise, *SOME* “generic” brands have really stepped their game up in the past 10 years in terms of quality for the money.. Many years ago there wasn’t a generic that could pass muster. Not so much the case these days. It’s think you will find the core difference in the support you get if something should go wrong. If something happens to or you need a part for your YesWelder… lol.. good luck.
Also, not to go off topic but if you have used PPE, please for the love of all things good in the world, invest in some QUALITY eye protection. Gloves jackets etc that crap doesn’t really matter, but protect your eyes.