A few drops of bright green fluid on the garage floor, passenger side, under the step rail. Took a peek and appears to be brake fluid. A little bit collected around a joint in the line. Not gushing, but obviously there's a leak. Just the one part of the one line, checked all others and did not see any fluid.
Ordinarily I take care of these things immediately, but the Yukon has been on a roll lately with the repairs. This is my daily driver. Do I need to worry right now, or can I keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get worse and have it taken care of in the next few months?
Ordinarily I take care of these things immediately, but the Yukon has been on a roll lately with the repairs. This is my daily driver. Do I need to worry right now, or can I keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get worse and have it taken care of in the next few months?