sooo... this has me thinking.. co says this..
(1) (a) Except as provided in this paragraph (a), no person shall operate any
motor vehicle registered in Colorado on which any window, except the
windshield, is composed of, covered by, or treated with any material or
component which presents an opaque, nontransparent, or metallic or mirrored
appearance in such a way that it allows less than twenty-seven percent light
transmittance. The windshield shall allow seventy percent light transmittance.
The provisions of this paragraph (a) shall not apply to the windows to the rear
of the driver, including the rear window, on any motor vehicle; however, if
such windows allow less than twenty-seven percent light transmittance, then the
front side windows and the windshield on such vehicles shall allow seventy
percent light transmittance.
i'm taking it that i could "legally" put a 70ish percent tint over the entire windshield.. meaning 30% of light is blocked... do they even make tint in that %..?