05 NBS Nali
DONOT DRIVE the suv until you do the calibration procedure, if you don't the bladders will not last trust me. I fked up a set of oem air shocks. The bladders need to have some air, if I'm not mistaken it's like 10lbs. At least mine do, that's what the Tech2 read after I did the calibration procedure.The connector on the driver side frame rail was disconnected! I couldn't see what I was doing, but got it snapped together with one hand. The "Stabilitrak" and other error messages are now gone. My last concern is that the shocks do not seem to stay pressurized. I can feel them pump up when the compressor comes on with the ignition, but after drivng they are flat. I haven't put a load on the back so maybe that is why they feel flat? The truck seems level. Comments appreiciated... Thanks