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    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      But before the rear main seal repair I probably have to add oil once or twice a week. Just driving 30 minutes back and forth to work a day.
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Need to recalibrate that answer I just had my rear main done, she’s still full of oil. And the oil pressure after the rear main repair...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Usually goes up to like 60 ish.
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Appreciate yall for the help. Also another mention about my rear main it’s absolutely just puking at this point. And im honestly really...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Yea I have the special socket for it at my shop. It works on the new OEM delco one I just bought, but won’t grab on the existing sender...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      I will take a look when it’s cold again. Haven’t lost any bit of coolant over 6-7k miles or so but I will look thanks man
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      I’ve already replaced my o ring. Red to red. Mahle, red was in there replaced with a red o ring. My o ring really wasn’t in the worst...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Would this cause a drop in pressure after it warms up?
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      I’ll check this for sure. I’m fixing to throw in my new oil pressure sender sensor. Along with intake manifold gasket, because for some...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      My oil pan was very clean. Literally had to do virtually 0 cleaning when I dropped it. Was the original gasket btw. Hasn’t been dropped/...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Another reason I bring this up is by comparison. We have a second 2006 Chevy Tahoe 5.3 L, LT trim. it’s got 300k miles on it. 160k...
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 reacted to Marky Dissod's post in the thread Oil pressure low with Like Like.
      Old oil never makes as much psi as new oil. Older it gets, less psi it makes.
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 replied to the thread Oil pressure low.
      Is your pressure fine now? Post sensor replacement.
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 reacted to Marky Dissod's post in the thread Oil pressure low with Like Like.
      Wix 51522MP, not merely 51522.
    • Angelo217
      Angelo217 reacted to Mudsport96's post in the thread Oil pressure low with Like Like.
      I have noticed a pressure issue with certain filters. I always run a ac Delco now. But during the vid there was a couple times I...
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