Recent content by Eighthtry

  1. E

    Thinking of selling my new 6.2L Denali...

    I think you are nuts. That is a nice car. Your risk is the electronics, as it is with any car made today. This forum is a very small subset of GMC Yukon buyers. A few have had problems. That is what you read about here. But it has nothing to do with the vast majority of Yukon's out there...
  2. E

    Adding air to Magnetic Suspension

    When directions are in the owner manual it is really shocking.
  3. E

    Whipple 2.3L Supercharger Installation on 2007 Yukon XL Denali (6.2L L92 Motor)

    A man after my own heart. I don't worry about aftermarket value on mods anymore. I totaled a 23 F150 with 1,800 miles on it. They killed me on my mods, like a bed cover. Nickel and dimed. Such is life.
  4. E

    Anyone else do this in the winter?

    My F150 has automatic factory shutters.
  5. E

    Anyone else do this in the winter?

    I roast in my Yukon at 20 degrees. The cops would stop me anyway to take me to a psychiatric facility because they would have no clue what it was. I would be afraid they would never release me.
  6. E

    Engine choice for new Yukon XL Denali (best reliability for next 3 years)

    Oh, and while I am at it, I would under no circumstances buy an undersized 6 cylinder diesel engine that must be power enhanced with a turbo to get power close to the 6.2. Turbos can and will go out. Ford has plenty of experience on the V6 turbos. And they will do exactly that. Plus you will...
  7. E

    Engine choice for new Yukon XL Denali (best reliability for next 3 years)

    I just traded a 2011 GMC Yukon Denali XL. It had 203,000 miles on it. The only differences I have from you is 7 kids, 5,000 feet, and a Queen. No mountains, just hills. Lots of in-town driving, but in Dallas that is a bunch of freeways to get to the in-town driving. Your thread assumes that...
  8. E

    Whipple 2.3L Supercharger Installation on 2007 Yukon XL Denali (6.2L L92 Motor)

    I had a 2010 Cadillac V. Put 208,000 carefree miles on it. A very small handful at 170 mph. I had a 2011 Yukon Denali XL that I put 203,000 carefree miles on. I would love to have the V package on my 2023 Yukon Denali XL. I have lusted after the Cadillac Escalade V. Superchargers on Yukon...
  9. E

    How would you value this 2018 Yukon XL with a used engine?

    Leave it alone. You don't know what else the dealer had to replace, what he needed to replace, or what he should have replaced. Run! I don't care what the deal is.
  10. E

    Would you keep your existing truck or get a new one in this situation?

    Lemon law or not, I would get the new one. These are long lived vehicles and well worth the comfort on the road. Been driving them starting with Suburbans in 1984. Loved them then, and really love them now. I also added the GM extended warranty given the electronics these days.
  11. E

    2017 Yukon Denali Shudder Problem

    You should wash it first. You are trying to impress us.
  12. E

    Tran/torque converter advice

    I just posted my experience on my 2011 GMC Denali 6.2 Mine went 203,000 miles before I sold it a couple of months ago. For its entire life I used Amsoil Signature 5/30 oil and filters. Oil changed at 10,000 mile intervals, filters at 5,000 miles. ZERO oil usage between changes. Ran whatever...
  13. E

    2017 Tahoe Trans rebuild advice?

    It's been an interesting read on these threads. I had a 2011 Yukon Denali XL I ordered new. I just sold it two months ago with 203,000 miles on it. 6.2 I never deactivated the V4-V8. Amsoil signature oil at 10,000 miles and filters at 5,000 miles. Used zero oil at time of sale. 6 speed...
  14. E

    2023 Tahoe/oil additives

    No additives are needed except in rare circumstances. Example - I had a 2010 Cadillac CTS V. At about 40,000 miles on start up it would send up a huge blue smoke cloud. Not a little smoke, but a fire extinguisher amount of smoke. It was absolutely embarrassing. This is a performance car, not...
  15. E

    Looking to level my Tahoe with Autoride

    There is a reason that they state that. If you screw with ride height on autoride you are screwing with the alignment front and rear. If you have to do it, then go to a professional shop and specifically ask if they have addressed that before. If they have, then pull everythiing off, replace...

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