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  1. iwaslowr

    Should I De-Badge? Poll!

    De-badge, but prepare to remedy the "ghost" affect thereafter...
  2. iwaslowr

    Newbie from Illinois

    Congrats and welcome!! :cheers:
  3. iwaslowr

    You know you drive a Tahoe when...

    The in-laws rely on you for transporting the entire group because you have enough seats...
  4. iwaslowr

    Clear Corner Lenses??

    26slate may still have this set up for sale... :Handshake:
  5. iwaslowr

    I FORGOT - max rim/tire size

    It'll depend on offset, width of wheel/tire combo and 4x4 or not. My 305/30/26's (~33" tall) barely rub at stock height on my 2WD.
  6. iwaslowr

    Newbie from New York

    Welcome! :cheers:
  7. iwaslowr

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    It's my brother's pulling truck... I'll try to get more pics and specs. Vids too hopefully in a couple of weeks.
  8. iwaslowr

    Hi from Switzerland!

    Wow! Been a member for only 48 hours and already a paid supporter of TYF!! :Handshake:
  9. iwaslowr

    TPMS Relearn tool

    Apparently the manual TPMS re-learn process changed between 2008 and 2012 models... Initiating the process by decreasing psi isn't working(may be bad/ruined sensors though). Has anyone had success manually sync-ing a 2012 using an alternative to the dealers "re-learn" tool?
  10. iwaslowr

    Should I trade my off-road Wheel's and tires for these?

    I would, those look nice... If they are in good condition. Are the tires the height you prefer??
  11. iwaslowr

    --- Photos: SPOTTER'S THREAD (post up all years/models) ---

    ---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------
  12. iwaslowr

    Hello from Granbury

    Congrats and welcome!! :cheers:
  13. iwaslowr

    Mounting Ideas

    Install a PPV console :imo: Cup holders already there...
  14. iwaslowr

    iwaslowr 2012 Denali

    This thing needs to be lower... :secret: Well... :mexsmoke: One day... Thank ya! Thought about it... (previous Kon photoshopped below) I like white better :shrug: Too late now though, stuck with chrome. Thanks!!
  15. iwaslowr

    Good Deal Spotters' Thread
  16. iwaslowr

    New to the site

    Welcome to the forum!! :cheers:
  17. iwaslowr

    Hi from Switzerland!

    Welcome!! :cheers:
  18. iwaslowr

    New Here From TX

    Welcome from another Texan! :cheers: Nice Denali too!!
  19. iwaslowr

    Took 2 new pics today

    Your paint is very shiny, even before the upcoming hand wax. Looks great!
  20. iwaslowr

    iwaslowr 2012 Denali

  21. iwaslowr

    FNG from Washington

    Welcome!! :cheers:
  22. iwaslowr

    New Shoes.

    Wow, nice transformation!! I think it looks ok without the running boards... And plans to lower it??
  23. iwaslowr

    newbie in Austin, Texas

    Welcome from Austin!!

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