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  1. C

    Lower Just the Front Passenger Side

    Cool - order placed. Thanks man.
  2. C

    Shocks gave up

    Interested? lol
  3. C

    Lower Just the Front Passenger Side

    HoustonShark - where did you buy your Arnott stuff? I am looking for a vendor... would have PMd you, but can't until I have 10 posts. :)
  4. C

    Shocks gave up

    The DJM ones are too purdy to not use em, lol. Getting a price quote from Jenna on the Arnott's, so hopefully those won't take too long.
  5. C

    Shocks gave up

    Yay, got goodies: Also, in part based on HoustonSharks other thread, I am going the same route, and getting Arnotts: So hopefully everything will vibe, lol. Can't wait to get this on the ride. ---------- Post added at...
  6. C

    Shocks gave up

    lol yay my thread got hijacked into a flame war, woot. Well since yall are talking about 4" and 6" drops, im pretty sure what I bought isn't in question. So I'll be happy with my meager drop and sways, so long as the sways tighten it up a bit its all groovy, lol. Anyway, order was placed, so...
  7. C

    Shocks gave up

    Right now I am leaning towards the 2/3 setting. I saw in another thread someone mentioned that while the door handles are parallel, they are staggered. That is something I have never noticed before, but I don't want the truck to 'appear' to have a perceived lean (if that makes sense). Another...
  8. C

    Shocks gave up

    Sounds good... alright, sold. Order through your site?
  9. C

    Shocks gave up

    I would want to keep autoride. Also I would want to keep towing ability - what all else would I need (helper bags)?
  10. C

    Shocks gave up

    So, my fronts are blown. Yippie... (couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present - actually brakes are shot too but that is a different thread). Anyway, looking for some advice. I have been reading a bunch of threads, and figure I will go for a drop while replacing necessary crap. 07...

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