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  1. Dimond9035

    Plastidiped front end of the denali

    Video didn't work but YouTube ORacle halo instalation
  2. Dimond9035

    Plastidiped front end of the denali

    this HTML class. Value is Take the screws our the back of the headlight Center in oven 250° for about 15 minutes it makes the seal pliable enough to separate lense from the housing
  3. Dimond9035

    Long tube header suggestion

    Looking to redo my entire exhaust was looking for recommendations for some long tube headers it's an 07 Denali xl
  4. Dimond9035

    Plastidiped front end of the denali

    Not painting the lense I'm painting the housing on the inside so instead of the Shiney chrome it's going to be black
  5. Dimond9035

    Plastidiped front end of the denali

    Ya got the headlights out and in the oven as we speak gonna paint the housing black and install some ORacle colorshift halos
  6. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    Ya that's why I went with plastidip endless possibilities and at the end of the day you can just peel it off with no harm, I'm hoping that it will protect my rims a little this winter if it ever gets here
  7. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    Ya haven't gotten that far yet was practicing on the roof rack did the grill last night next is wheels Handel's and the strip on the running board
  8. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    Decided to just black the chrome out on the roof rack with some plastidip
  9. Dimond9035

    Plastidiped front end of the denali

    Decided to murder out the front end what do you guys think??
  10. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    Thank you sir that was pretty simple, hardest part was one of the anchors popped out of the roof so it was difficult to get a 3/8 wrench in there to hold it while I unscrewed it fortunately it pounced back in
  11. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    I took the end caps off and the 2 bolts on each end but it's still not coming off, is there something that I'm missing???
  12. Dimond9035

    Roof rack with or without??

    I have an 07 Denali does anyone have any before and after pictures with the roof rack I'm torn between blacking out the chrome or removing it completely
  13. Dimond9035


    I used a sawzaw with a 9 inch blade I used some heavy duty blades that are flat at the end instead of the traditional pointed end, this was helpful for when I hit the gas tank it did not puncture it instead it gave me a warner to pull it out a little bit
  14. Dimond9035

    Rear tailight assembly problems need help

    I followed the wires down below the truck and found a few frame grounds cleaned them up real good and my break light issue is gone but the turn signal still does not work, any idea guys???
  15. Dimond9035


    I used a saw zaw with a heavy duty metal blade it was flat on the end not like the traditional pointed tip so if it hits the gas tank it doesn't puncture it and you just pull back a fraction,
  16. Dimond9035

    Rear tailight assembly problems need help

    Okay guys here is what is going on when I turn my lights on my right rear taillight works fine when I hit the breaks the running lights and turn signal/break light goes out and my reverse light comes on this is only happing on the driver side, when I turn the turn signal on nothing happens in...
  17. Dimond9035


    Thanks to everyone that gave me advice and thanks for Tony for selling great products I'm very satisfied with the way the truck sits and rides now
  18. Dimond9035


    Got the mod done today wasn't that bad only used 2 blades here are a few pictures of the process of it
  19. Dimond9035


    thank you sir
  20. Dimond9035


    okay next question is how do I drop the rear axel so that I can get things out of my way like the rear springs, by looking at it it looks to me like I just need to take the bolt out the bottom of the shock and maybe the sway bar links but im not to sure so I figured id ask someone, and it seems...
  21. Dimond9035


    Thank you sir that's all I needed was an actual picture of what I was cutting off everything I found just talked about it, so I appreciate your quick response
  22. Dimond9035


    Okay guys sorry to ask questions that have pry been asked hundreds of times but I can not seem to find a step by step free travel mod guide for my 07 denali I paid a shop over a grand to install front drop struts rear shocks springs djm endlinks and bump stops, I got my truck back yesterday and...
  23. Dimond9035

    NEED HELP, front strut question

    The front struts are something special bc they have this pressure sensor coming out the top of them and all the quick struts I have found do not so it says service autoride or some crap like that, so is there is a quick strut application you know one that I'd already loaded in the spring with...
  24. Dimond9035

    NEED HELP, front strut question

    I have a 2007 Yukon denali 1500 awd the vin is 1GKFK66877J161071 in the glove box it has the z55 code so I assume that is the electronic suspension and does not have the zw7 my question is do they make a quick strut for this application, autzone has ordered me a strut and it was the wrong one...
  25. Dimond9035

    Trying to locate part number for 2010 center console "tray and mat"

    15946301 is for the mat I just purchased one on eBay for $12

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