Mine had red but it really doesnt matter. They might have used whatever they had on hand or maybe they had issues with one or the other. Mine was definitely difficult to remove and I had to heat it up. Red can be loosened with a small amount of heat. Also, the T27 bolt is supposed to be torqued to 15 ft/lbs but I’m pretty sure nobody checks that. Did you use a ratchet to reinstall it or just a screwdriver with a T27 bit? If you did, there’s no way you’re going to get near the torque needed. I used no loctite, just left the stuff that was on it but I did use a 3/8” ratchet and a socket T27 bit; I have a set of 3/8 drive torx bits. You’re asking for help so I’m just trying to offer suggestions. Mine hasn’t loosened up and I’m confident it never will.