So I managed to get my dash off today. Turns out, I found on the edges of the air vents, some sort of greasy, chemical smelling fragranced cleaner type stuff. I don't know what it is, but it was definitely at one point sprayed in the vents- possibly by whoever detailed the car before selling it. I wiped down the exterior, but couldn't figure out how to get into the two main air vents. When It's sunny out tomorrow I'm gonna take it off again and do this properly, get deep in those vents, clean them out with rubbing alcohol. I can see they are dusty and have a film on them when I shine a flashlight in there. While I have gotten a lot of the smell out, it still smells too much near the drivers seat and I think the vents are to blame. I'm getting almost no odor if I sit in the back seat of the car, but definitely in the drivers seat. For what it's worth, I think whatever chemical I just wiped up was the same stuff all over the inside of the center console. An oily, fragranced type spray. I threw out the rubber piece in the center console because it was coated in this stuff, and now I see that the same stuff was in/on the air vent. I think once those are deep cleaned with alcohol we should be good to go. If that doesn't do it, then I'm removing the center console and either replacing it or putting it out in the sun for a week.