Never thought what a complete difference taking the side steps off would make. I LOVE the look without. Looking more my style now. Nice free mod. But man was it a f**king wh*re b**ch to take them off. 14 years spent its whole life in Alaska with the snow and the salt. I'll be cleaning rust out of my ears ,nose and hair for days. 7 brackets total on each side (14 total). 10--10mm bolts (had to cut a few of those off) holding the brackets to the boards themselves including 1--1/2" bolt on each side to the body (22 bolts total). Then 7--10mm bolts each side with 10mm nuts on the backside holding the brackets to the body in each side (all but a few of those eventually broke off with my hulk like wrenching)(14 total). Then 7 (I forgot what size)torque screw holding the brackets on the backside of the body (had to cut a few of those heads)(14 total). All completely rusted and f**ked. I spent 6 hours taking 50 bolts and screws off with hand tools because any air or electric gun or tool I had wouldn't fit. Been working on cars and trucks my whole life, and this was a complete nightmare.
But I never quit cause I ain't built like that
(My cousins silverado in the picture, took his boards off...only 3 bolts on each side...yes 6 total. He took both sides off before I finished one side, and I started before he did :-/ )
Needs a detail and some black paint for that frame peeking out now.
And now needs a more low than ever before. Compliments the roof rack delete nicely now.