Well I was wrong about the maf being fixed lights back on took it out to clean it and its on backwards its also from a newer engine so for all i know it wont comunicate right with the ecm. They put a new style plug on it aswell. Ordered new mirrors,led bumper lights and offroad lights, a new 2400 watt amp for my 2 cvrs, a 750 watt and 2 sets of 6.5 componets. Wires relays. The all-4 mod harness. A fuse block. Some clevices and ruber boots for them. Should give me plenty to do the next few weeks. Selling my ski boat to help fund my build. Still have to dyno matt the hole thing, build a speaker box and glass it, put new floor covering down, replace some trip peaces, find a 60/40 get it apolsterd to match the tan leather back seat.