My Yukon has a 4.8 and 324,000 miles. My tranny is out and I think I have a blown head gasket. I'm wanting to do a rebuild on both or should I just get other ones. I'm not going to a dealership, just a reputable shop. How much am I looking at spending? Should I get the motor and tranny myself and take to them, is rebuilt the better route? What would yal suggest?
you are stuck between a rock and a hard spot
if the body is in really good shape and you have some form of bond with it then..............
you could go used figure $1600 for a used engine and $650 for a used transmission
then figure fluids, gaskets, seals and labor (unless you are doing it yourself) then minus the labor
it just goes up from there, figure at least double for rebuilt on both engine and trans.
this is the reality of it.
expect hiccups like a motor mount or who knows what when you really get down to doing it.