So my 2000 Chevy Tahoe transmission just started slipping out of nowhere from first to second I checked the fluid and it was on the fill mark so I added some to it kind of helped so then I bought some Lucas transmission fix or stop slip I put some of that in there and I'm worried that it's going to go out on me and leave me stranded never had a problem till today and I'm curious has anybody tried changing the shift solenoids inside the transmission to fix this issue
Shift solenoids are not causing your problem and transfix in a bottle will not help. Id put a trans pressure gauge to see if you're getting appropriate line pressure.
If so, one or more of the following could be the cause:
- worn 2nd gear servo piston sealing rings / oring
- worn 1-2 accumulator piston seal
- worn 2-4 band
The first two can be fixed with the trans remaining in the vehicle but the last one requires an overhaul. If you pull the servo, install a corvette 2nd apply servo in place of the existing one - has 13% more apply surface area and may help buy you some more time (assuming the band itself is worn/burnt).