Hello, I just recently help someone replace my transmission in my 2001 Tahoe. It started at will before the original transmission was replaced and it started the 3 times after it was replaced. Now I had bad sensor or something on my trunk door because it even with it being fully closed my interior lights stay on and the cluster reads as the trunk door is open. With that being said, I just disconnect the battery post when I get out. Now the last time I started it I simply took the negative post off because My positive post is brand new and was kinda a pain taking off even with it being all the way loose. The truck ran until I turn the switch off. I come out the next morning and now it does nothing when I turn the key over. The battery is good and charged . The posts is now loose. The dash light up and all the accessories works fine . The alarm is not engage.I’m Puzzled and I need help. Can Anybody help me or is there anyone out there who is had the same problem or similar?