Wonder if that engine is a 5.3, not a 5.8 unicorn.
Most probably -- but not 100% -- it's the gauge stepper motor that's died; it's very common. To confirm, use a scanner to read live data to see what the voltage PID reads. Hopefully no one's been into it already and ruined circuit board traces.
The cluster comes out easily enough and it can take a little work to get the cluster apart, but it's not all that difficult. Stepper motor and lighting kits can be found online. I've done one for a neighbor, and having a small pencil soldering iron and a little skill with circuit board work can help. But it's regular old circuit board work, not SMDs or anything like that. There are good YouTube videos about doing this job. I've attached the cluster connector pinout so you can power up the lighting before reinstalling.
If that's not an option for you there are many online places that rebuild the clusters with all new stepper motors (do all of them while it's apart) and either replace the backlighting incandescent bulbs or upgrade to LEDs. Local places do it, too, check Craigslist, FB Marketplace, Next Door, etc. and watch for reviews. You can drive it without the cluster. Think about having them add the transmission temp gauge.
You can also buy a rebuilt cluster. For that I would recommend Digital Dash Solutions (
https://www.fixmygauges.com/custom-gas-clusters.html); Carl offers some sweet clusters to buy. A reputable place will program the cluster with your mileage, and maybe even the engine hours.