I didn't really do jack shit all weekend. Had a couple little fun runs in the ctsv:
Friday night after leaving track had some sort of ls swapped 2000ish 3 series bimmer pretty hopped up open header 6speed pretty sure no forced induction but I was behind. followed thru the back roads at a pretty high rate of speed. Hung prob 5 or 6 cars behind him he tried to run away a few times but depending who hit it first I would slowly pull up on him or he would slowly pull away lol. Follow out to two lane pulled up beside and yelled at each still rolling a little and thumbs up.
Last night I was sorta minding my own business but I still drive a little faster than normal traffic. Made my way thru a few cars and cruised it was dark but had some sort of charger/challenger following, wasn't sure if it was an under cover so I was only speeding a little, clear road, he pulled up next to me and paced me for a few, seriously was just going to let him go on by. But then he wanted to slam it down and "let me hear" his exhaust...that didn't sit well with me so I put about 3 bus lengths on him 65-100+ and threw the hazards on for him. Widebody v8, Def not a hellcat, felt kinda bad doin him so dirty but it was his own fault
Couple more little i95 runs, I only really **** around when there's no traffic and slow down way before I have to if I do come up on traffic