Supporting Member
Okay so a little update on these two issues now that I've had her for almost three weeks ...
- The dimming issue is still there, but I guess I got used to it cause I don't notice it anymore. I was still going to buy this Big 3 kit: Maybe someone can confirm that this is indeed what I need.
- Much to my surprise, the service manager was right and the transmission has greatly improved since 'learning' my driving style. It's still not perfect by any means but I have about a month to go till the end of a 'learn' cycle ... with the more aggressive acceleration I am implementing I'm hoping that by the end of the cycle the issue will be as minimal as can be expected.
- The dimming issue is still there, but I guess I got used to it cause I don't notice it anymore. I was still going to buy this Big 3 kit: Maybe someone can confirm that this is indeed what I need.
- Much to my surprise, the service manager was right and the transmission has greatly improved since 'learning' my driving style. It's still not perfect by any means but I have about a month to go till the end of a 'learn' cycle ... with the more aggressive acceleration I am implementing I'm hoping that by the end of the cycle the issue will be as minimal as can be expected.