Strongly considering doing this. How hard is it?
It's not bad. If you let someone do the retro work on the housings, the rest is easy. Looking back on it, I wish I had used a more "upper end" projector, but the mini H1's aren't bad. BFC supplied all the wiring in a kit form and doesn't require any splicing or permanent changes to the truck.
The install basically requires you to take the front cover off the vehicle (bolts along the top and loosen two bolts behind the wheel opening covers). The cover lifts right off. It scares the wife, but not a big deal!
Then find a good place to mount each ballast. You will need to drill one hole in the support structure for each ballast. You can also attach your ground (-) to the same location.
Take the cover off the fuse box and attach the positive lead from the wiring harness to one of the front accessory 12 volt bolts on the front of the fuse box. You will need a nut that fits the bolt.
I started about 2:30 p.m. and was finished by 6 p.m. I have never taken a NNBS apart before and had no real roadblocks. I'm not a huge custom guy, so I don't have a ton of experience in general doing these kinds of upgrades. If you are half-way capable with a screwdriver, drill, and maybe a voltmeter, you will be fine. Just take your time.