Nice little kick in the teeth...
Thursday morning, I leave the building at work, hit remote start. To my ear, it seemed like the engine cranked longer than normal, but it started. I got in the Escalade to find the Traction Control indicator illuminated on the instrument cluster. With DIC messages for 'Service Stabilitrak' and 'Service Traction Control'.
Great. No ABS indicator, likely an engine related issue, which prevents the above systems from being enabled.
Engine seemed to run fine.
Put the transmission into gear, and start driving home.
Nothing appeared wrong, but the 6.2L just didn't feel right. Nothing I could put my finger on. Then I noticed the tachometer wasn't working. Uh-oh...
The Sony touch screen head unit I have also reads engine data through the OBDII port. On the app, that tachometer also wasn't working.
A couple times on the drive home, the engine 'bucked' once. I drove home gingerly. None of my usual lead foot.
Got home uneventfully, pulled out the Tech 2. Pulled DTC's: P0335 CKP Sensor Circuit. Sheet. That means there is likely something wrong with the Delphi CKP sensor I installed back in December. Or the wiring.
I tried starting the engine, it cranked for a few seconds, then started. Just like I heard earlier at work.
Looking at live data under Ignition section, the CKP Sensor showed 644-650RPM, and CKP Active Counter read 0 and was not incrementing. This was part of the troubleshooting that indicates a failed CKP sensor.
Looking at All Data information for P0335, it stated that the ECM used the cam position sensor for engine position, the VVT solenoid was driven to park position, and there could be engine drivability issues. That explains what I saw and felt.
Nothing I could do at that point, as I had to get some sleep before work Thursday night.
Today, I was able to jack up the Escalade for troubleshooting. I had read through the troubleshooting information on All Data, so I was semi-familiar with what I was getting into. However, Step 1 is to swap the CKP sensor. Luckily, I have a touch of OCD. Whenever I replace sensors and such, I always hold onto the old ones(assuming they worked). I pulled the original OEM CKP sensor out of the spares box, and installed it in the engine.
Hit the key, 6.2L fired right up. No extra cranking, no DTC's.
At the time, I installed the Delphi SS11397-11B1 sensor because the OEM GM Genuine 12703627 was unavailable. It is available now. I have a 12703627 ordered and on the way.
For giggles, I went to to look into warranty replacement. That is the thing. No problem replacing it, but they will send me a new one. I don't want a new Delphi CKP sensor.

It'll be alright.
No photos for this one, as all it would be is me wrestling with the starter and saying unpleasant words.