Those are 2 pieces of rebar that were laying in the road, there were more scattered in the road since they were virtually the same color as the road I didn't even see them until it was too late all I head was thunk thunk thunk from under the truck as I passed over them this was about a mile from home as soon as I pulled in the driveway I heard a grinding noise got out looked and the truck was harpooned and the tire was hissing air, luckily there is a tire shop about a mile and half from me so I jumped back in the truck and managed to make it there before it went completely flat, one entered the tire and ripped the wheel shroud, another entered the running board and went up thru the shroud and become wedged and another was up higher but had entered thru a gap in the body and then punctured I don't what can't see it beyond the outside somehow it missed the rear ac stuffI am not sure what those are but, I don't think you would be hitting them on a trail.. It does go to show there is no telling.. lol I once hit a 10 mm Craftsmen wrench we found it inside the tire... That was a surprise.. Good part is I still have it in my tool box today...

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