The Range device when on my 2024 at 275 miles and not looking back.
I think once the vehicle ages and gets miles on it, small variation of the DFM start to be felt. Bushings are hardening, wear is happening, performance is slightly deteriorating and all these factors along with more butt time in the seat and you may notice things that were unclear before. Even the exhaust hangers hardening can all the exhaust system to vibrate and become noticeable.
Make sure you get tires rotated if this has not been done yet, do about every 6000 miles. While road force balancing can be a good thing, these balancers often do not pick up bent wheels. Only if the tire tech is good and paying attention looking for a bent wheel and knows what a bent wheel looks like.
As mentioned, put the transmission in 9th manually and this should keep the DFM from operating and you could maybe feel the difference.