Kinda. But, there is no "LS6 casting". I have these on my '08 5.3. There were a couple different casting plants for 243s in the earlier years. IIRC, the "better" ones had triangle marks cast into them. Being from an '08, there's no danger of getting the lesser-quality castings since they were kicked out of production well before '08. Identical heads would be the 799s. They don't have the cult following of the 243s, so they're often found cheaper but they're the same head, just cast at a different plant. The only difference in the "regular" 243 from the LS6 243 is that the LS6 version had lightweight valves and special springs. The intake valve is hollow and the exhaust valve is sodium-filled. Also, the valve stems were a little longer to make up for the LS6 cam's smaller base circle. They're all the same bare castings, though.
I have a set of these heads, slightly worked over with mild hand-porting (really just smoothing and they were flowbenched before and after), resurfaced, Comp rocker trunnion upgrade and Comp dual springs. They were left over from my LQ9 build and will be going in my Tahoe when I swap the cam and lifters to delete the AFM.
***Edit: I realize I was kinda all over the place in that reply. But, the info's there. Lol
Cliff notes:
243 bare castings are all the same, aside from the lower-quality castings in some older versions
LS6 version just had different valves and springs
799s are the same and often cheaper