Reviving an old thread...
How is this removable? It looks like there are screws that are used at the base of the unit buy the floor... are those ugly screws used to hold the interior structure together or to screw into the floor plate pictured above? I am looking to enhance the lack of storage (video headphones, cup holders etc) to the second row, but and very interested if it's removable as well! Sometimes, you need all the space for Home Depot runs!
How is this removable? It looks like there are screws that are used at the base of the unit buy the floor... are those ugly screws used to hold the interior structure together or to screw into the floor plate pictured above? I am looking to enhance the lack of storage (video headphones, cup holders etc) to the second row, but and very interested if it's removable as well! Sometimes, you need all the space for Home Depot runs!