With everything I added it was 650 for the install. Took them just about 10 hours, said they ran into trouble with existing wiring or something. Everything is good though and works good. They did glass break, tilt, backup battery, pizo alarm, hooked something up to moniter the hood, and the transponder thing you have to get for it all to work. They also have it so my defrost comes on under 55*. Seemed a little high of a temperature but whatever, anyone know if the temp is easy to cahnge?
They also said they couldnt make my heated seats come on under a certain temp because they run on 9 volts or something. Anyone know if this is true?
I also dont like the blue led that flashes for an hour or whatever after you arm it. There a way to turn that off? If not I might paint over it with black paint or something. Otherwise I like it and it works great!
you could probably check out that pdf link a few posts back and read thru the manual to see if you can change temp setting. others i believe were able to do the heated seats, so something tells me that maybe they didn't know how to get it to work maybe?
i think i'm going to pick one of these up. but i might end up upgrading the transponder and remote to the 5901 models. also have to think about which add ons i want.