Some really good news and updates!
We left NJ @ 4am on the 15th and drove like mad to reach Flagstaff AZ by the 17th...and we made it. We first camped out in St Louis, then in New Mexico. The first leg was really long...we stopped around 2:30am local time as neither of us were in any condition to drive further.
Even though we hauled across many states, the scenery was amazing and the trip was a lot of fun.
Check out our webpage - - feel free to comment and post away...lots of pics on the site.
I was at about 3k miles on my synthetic oil when I left NJ so I knew I needed an oil change along the way. After sleeping in New Mexico, the gentleman running the KOA site pointed me towards a small town on old Rt 66 that had two auto shops. I went to the first and they did not have full synthetic oil, went to the second, same story. So, I found a Napa store, bought the oil and filter I wanted and drove back to the second shop...and for $15, he changed my oil. Really friendly guys and they let me borrow a wrench to tighten a leaky valve on one of my calipers and even did a quick one over on the truck for me...this town was almost exactly like the movie Cars...very cool experience.
On the road right outside Oklahoma - over the next few days, you WILL see more equipment on this rig. We ran out of time and bought a few boxes of parts with us.

Our first destination was the Overland Expo in Flagstaff. We were a Feature Vehicle there and the ONLY chevy in the group...let alone a Tahoe. The reception to our build was pretty amazing and three guys from other Chevy forums stopped by to check us out!
For anyone thinking of building an Expedition ("Overland") style rig, I highly recommend going to the expo next year.
Enough of my rambling, here are some pics from the Expo
This thing was a's seriously hard to consider how big this is until you're next to it....but think $500k+ w/bullet proof windows
The actual Land Rover Camel Trophy team truck...they flew the team members and x2 of their rigs to the event
Another GlobalX truck - met the founder, nice guy
The world renowned Turtle Expedition team - very nice couple
I have hundreds of more pics & videos I'm hoping to post soon!