Sorry for my absence been so ridiculously busy lately but I finally got my Heat fixed and all fluids changed. Heater thing was off by a couple teeth, bought new blender motor and I couldn't get it fixed, he used a scantool to see where it needed to be set to work properly, thank god.
-Auto tranny
-Front and rear trans axles
-Transfer case
-Brake Fluid
-Oil and filter
-Seafoam treatment (I love this stuff)
I had a friend do it for me at the dealership, I easily gained 2-3mpg with E85 gas, which I love in this truck now and seek out. He said the fluids were absolutely toast, chunky and dark black, stinky. I was really worried about the ATF change because Ive heard people swear that changing the fluid in a high mileage Auto Trans actually can kill it as it has "worn in" and has crud that will be freed and clog or kill something else. I had some VERY stiff shifting from 1-2 and 2-3 sometimes, especially when it was cold. With the new fluid the tranny is SOOOOO much smoother. I haven't seen any negative affects from the change, only an increase in efficiency and MPG.
Honestly I really love the Tahoe SSV and I bought it IN PERFECT TIME for these atrocious, pots holes the size of beach balls, Detroit Metro roads. My HHR would be destroyed if I didn't have the 'Hoe to plow thru everything. The 4x4 has proven extremely effective, never got stuck and love drifting in large parking lots

Overall I am super happy and would definitely recommend the purchase to friends. Just gotta get the rear passenger stuff working now, doors, locks, windows, heating/cooling. I NEED A TUNE AS WELL!