So after extensive research, getting discussion going on the12 volt (super informative), reading over AMP and Bestop install instructions, etc. I have determined that for sure without a doubt these can be installed to work just like factory functionality, it's just a matter of two options:
1) "Design" a Controller module using timed relays and PAC TR-7 modules, plotting a wiring scheme, soldering diodes, running all the wires and testing it. Should work but not 100% confirmed without doing it all. Estimated cost $110 for all parts, LABOR intensive
2) Buy the AMP Power Step Control Module and Wiring Harness - Estimated cost $200, cleaner install NO design work, also the harness includes the LED lighting over the board so that is a + I guess
So the catch, the only issue with #2 is after talking to AMP Tech Support their module is programmed to run the motor for 5 seconds (the time it takes to extend / retract the AMP steps) but from my calculations it only takes 2-3 seconds tops for the OEM steps to reach full extend / full retract. Meaning the motors would run for 2 full seconds after the arms were maxed out. I'm concerned this 2 seconds of continually power to the motors will wear the motors out much sooner than they should.
Thoughts? Is my thinking on the 2 seconds unrealistic, and I shouldn't worry about it?