sick.. yea.. with an 8 week build time on the wheels alone there is no way i could pull that off.. lol.. i can drop the body mounts and whats cool is i can get the frame built around the tires.. then get the rear end shortened to match the wheels.. then mount the rear end to the new frame and be done.. my goal is a stock ride.. at 3'' from framed out.. that will be sexy. i cant wait to drag it.
I have also had a 5 month head start too haha and im only this far. but it took some time for us to find someone to shorten the rear end. From what i gathered the denali rear end is bigger in dia then most rear ends. One guy cut it then it was sent to tenn to get welded back up he didnt realize it wouldnt fit his jig to after he cut.. Then we waited about 2 weeks to find out if we were getting the 28s then it took 3 weeks to get the wheels. now we are waiting on 1 other thing which will take about 2 weeks to do if we do it. i dont want to speak on right now.