TYF Newbie
Hey guys, new member here. Just picked up a 2004 Escalade this past weekend. Looking to get an alarm and remote start put in the truck this coming weekend and the place is running a special on Compustar systems.
My question is, will I lose all my DIC functions if I put an alarm/start on my car, such as perimeter lighting, saved seating, etc. I really like those features and don't want to lose them. But on the other hand, I need a better alarm and a remote start would be nice for the freezing Boston winters.
Any success in getting the two systems to interact and work together?
My question is, will I lose all my DIC functions if I put an alarm/start on my car, such as perimeter lighting, saved seating, etc. I really like those features and don't want to lose them. But on the other hand, I need a better alarm and a remote start would be nice for the freezing Boston winters.
Any success in getting the two systems to interact and work together?