TYF Newbie
I am wanting to add a little bit of bass to fill out my tunes in my 07 Tahoe. I usually go with a two-12" setup, but this time I am thinking about going with just either 1or2 8" or 1or2 10" under my middle seat (full row, not buckets). I've been searching and searching but can't find exactly what I'm looking for. I just want a (or 2) cheap box that I can mount under the seat with no modification and little time spent on it. I was thinking maybe a single-enclosed 8" or 10" under each window seat, and mounting the amp under the center middle seat (between the 2 enclosures)... Anyone have or know of a similar setup? I'd rather just know exactly what will fit than measure, assume, and order something that ends up not fitting for some reason that I forget to think about.