so looking at the modules in my car today on the sps software. I did see some how the option to program or configure/setup. I don't remember exactly the wording. I will have it in my yukon in a few days or so. I'll try too check what options it gives.
awesome! Thank you!
I haven't messed with the wiring anymore figuring it should be correct. (Other than that one wiring diagram discrepancy...)
According to the free repair website, the manual HVAC's should all be using the DELPHI ductwork, but if wiring and actuators are the same, I don't see why it doesn't work.
The only thing I can think of, is if the Delphi ducts have a different range of motion than the Behr.
I do notice some vehicles have the manual roof mounted climate controls. Probably overthinking things at this point..
Perhaps it is a programming thing. The rear temp adjustment being +0 to +12 seems odd to me..
*IF* programming, I would guess it's the integrated rear seat audio module..
Unless the BCM is a go between. Say the rear controls send signals that BCM reads, before spitting out a new signal to the main HVAC module..