Could not find these in '08 manual hvac diagrams..
Evap temp signal wire was already connected to the right pin from before. (J3-14)
Looks like I maybe missing evap temp sensor lo ref. (originally spliced with a bunch of temp sensor lo ref that went to
J3-14 WH EVAP TEMP SIGNAL (same as CJ2 auto version)
J3-19 TN LO REF - This wire not there, LO REF of evap sensor was spliced into other temp sensor lo ref and went to pin J2-16.
So I may need to connect one wire still..
In the CJ2 auto wiring, the evap temp lo ref connects to J3-19
Also missing 3 wires for rear temp controls, they are not needed if you do not have rear temp controls.
J1-9 OG aux mode signal
J1-10 YE aux temp signal
J2-11 GY 5V ref